



以下為2009/8/12 CNN網路新聞原稿:

        Military rescue teams in Taiwan found hundreds of villagers stranded by Typhoon Morakot along the island's mountainous regions, media reported.Some 700 people in the isolated mountain of Kaohsiung County received food and water from the rescuers, Taiwan's semi-official Central News Agency reported, citing a military spokesman. Among them were the roughly 200 residents who went missing for two days from the village of Siaolin, CNA reported.

 這畫面在CNN NEWS多次播放...

        Morakot dumped 83 inches of rain on parts of the island, unleashing the worst flooding there in half a century, according to the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Buildings collapsed in the floodwater, and mudslides buried everything in their paths. After hitting Taiwan on Saturday, the storm roared on to mainland China, killing at least six people and displacing 1.4 million, authorities said. Yet the death toll was much higher in Taiwan, where Morakot was blamed for at least 62 deaths. Figures from the Central Emergency Operation Center said the storm had injured 35. "連根拔起"都不足以形容慘狀

      The United States is "very concerned" about the situation but has not received a request for aid from the Taiwanese government, Assistant Secretary of State P.J. Crowley told reporters Tuesday."We are a formidable asset to the region. ... As you have seen going back to the [2004] tsunami, we respond in a timely way to these tragedies," he said.


不知道是政府在擺譜還是裝客氣,50年來最大天災請求國際救援是正常的 (別忘了,我們也常有人出國救難).

也對 !沒辦法! 連"殺很大"都不知其意就裝內行說自己家人"殺很大"的咖,真的是該避俗的時後不知避俗,不該裝夯的地方卻裝天...真的是夠TMD"殺"...

旁邊是河是海? 是誰要負責?

       Authorities had found shelter for 8,900 of 10,576 people whom the storm left homeless, Wang said, but disaster struck even as efforts continued to help victims.A rescue helicopter crashed Tuesday in the mountains in southern Taiwan's Pingtung County, tumbled into a river and was washed away. Crews recovered the bodies of all three people who were aboard, Wang said.The typhoon destroyed bridges and turned roads into muddy swamps, making them inaccessible to search-and-rescue teams.



那...為何左邊中間那位穿上雨鞋還拿攝影機哩???? 大大不解....????

Helicopters were dropping food, medicine and water to help keep people alive as they awaited rescue. Wang said reservoirs were overflowing, and people were piling sandbags wherever they could. Prices of meat and vegetables increased about 20 percent in response to the limited supply, and officials said the government was releasing stockpiled food to force prices down.A report from the center described dozens of deaths and missing-persons reports. Among the missing were three groups of people who had been fishing along the Tsengwen River.A sudden rush of water "flushed away" a factory in Taitung County, and a worker was missing, authorities said.

大水災 派出AAAV是絕對正確的選擇


官僚...就叫他們泡在水裡游過去!  這些打一口嘴砲肚裡沒斤兩的雜碎...

    "The most pressing needs now are providing shelter, food and clean water for those who have had to evacuate their homes," said Hank Du, executive director for the humanitarian group World Vision Taiwan. "We also want to make sure the children are secure and have a safe place where they are cared for."The group had started to distribute food, cleaning supplies, raincoats, flashlights and other items to those displaced in Taiwan communities.




      The Taiwan Power Co. reported that power had been restored by Tuesday night to most of the 2 million households without electricity, according to Taiwan's Central News Agency.The storm caused $89 million in damage to the country's aquaculture industry, its worst loss in 18 years as a result of a typhoon, the news agency said, citing a report from the Taiwan Council of Agriculture

   晚上下班吃自助餐看電視報導,屏東佳暮村有四名年輕人堅持協助撤完全村人後,才最後撤出災區,畫面上看見這四位身材不高但相當結實的原住民青年身上背著繩索與掛勾八字環,頭戴防撞盔(真的就是一付準備要去"輸贏"的氣勢),面帶靦腆笑容高舉雙手像勇士般的走進避災區,接受全村人的鼓掌. ..



   期許雨過天晴, God bless Taiwan!







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